Far Afield is a freeware game I've been developing in my spare time (strictly weekends). It's a rogue-ish game where you explore a randomly generated island in search of the items required to defeat the Lord of Darkness. Take a little 7th Saga, a little Zelda, and a dash of Ogre Battle and throw them in the blender. Mix. Chill. Serve. You only get one life, so pick your battles... if you can.

The original version of the game was built on SDL2, and was very near to completion (lacking only music and a final boss battle). I've decided to hold that release back and convert the code base to Raylib. The conversion process is about 80% complete, by my best estimate. Unfortunately, this project is tabled until my Revision 2024 demo is complete, at which time development will resume.

This article was updated on September 6, 2023