After the release of Frenetic, I enjoyed working with the idea so much, I decided to spend the next nine months cranking out a vastly expanded sequel, called Frenetic Plus. The six original stages expanded to a whopping 33, and unlike the purely arcade experience of first game, this had a traditional campaign with suits to collect and reconfigure, upgrades to builds, and a fairly interesting story told through the ship's holographic interface.

The core game-play is the same: fly around a shoot everything until nothing shoots back. But the addition of new special weapons, missiles, and a wide variety of suits and potential loadouts changes things up for the better. There's also a much larger selection of enemies, and bosses. It's just a bigger, better, and unique experience all-around, and to this day I'm proud of the results.

Download Frenetic Plus V1.10 (Win32/DOS)

MD5: cf22c9ae8f42e47b8932164da73d64f0

This article was updated on September 7, 2023