I've been waiting to redesign my site for quite a while, mostly because I loathe working with HTML, and even moreso when it involves potentially satanic missives such as javascript and CSS. I make my living writing C and various flavors of ASM, so this web stuff makes my teeth itch. No thank you.

Regardless, I've found some blogging tools that have made the process reasonably painless, so here we are. There's also the tacit assumption that I just haven't really felt like talking for the last decade, which is probably closer to the truth than anything else. However, the old site was crufty, and did a poor job of showing off all the nifty things I've been playing around with recently, much less my thoughts on the matter. The ugly truth is that people have been reluctant to express themselves lately for fear of wrongthink™. I'm basically semi-retired at this point, and just waiting for the moment when I feel like pulling the trigger on a different life. I'm more or less free to speak my mind on any and all topics (although we're going to stay mostly topical).

The last ten years or so of my life have been phenomenal: a mad blitz through my bucket list, punctuated by adventures and ambitious projects. I may as well get on with it, because we're on a roll, and I'm not stopping any time soon.

This article was updated on September 7, 2023